Sunday 6 January 2013

Anyone out there?

Trying to explain to an 11 year old there has to be life on other planets is no easy task especially when she doesn't understand the logic.

Of course I can't prove there is but you'd have to be pretty naive not to believe it.

I'm no expert in space or astronomy but my understanding about life on Earth is down to proximity from the Sun.  At least that's one of the reasons.  Too close and the planet is too hot, too far away and it's too cold. It has to be in 'the Goldilocks Zone' has to be just right!

This year scientists are hoping to find 700,000 new galaxies to add to the billions already out there in the universe.

Our own galaxy, The Milky Way, has the potential to contain billions of Solar Systems. Only a few hundred have been discovered so far as it is difficult to spot a planet in the glare of its sun. 

Just taking into account The Milky Way, the probability of a planet having the right criteria to sustain life has to be quite high.

Multiply that by the number of galaxies, solar systems and countless number of planets, that probability (in my opinion) becomes inevitable.

Footnote: Just because I believe in life on other planets doesn't mean I believe in UFO's...except in the literal sense - Flying objects that are unidentified! Aeroplanes, light and  atmospheric anomalies are just some of the causes. Little green men?*...Nah! 

(*Possibly grey depending on what YOU believe in ;-) )

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