Tuesday 6 March 2012

James Bulger Memorial Trust

Not long after my first post regarding James,
I discovered a charity was set up in his name by his mother Denise.

The charity's aims are “To benefit and support young people who are disadvantaged by reason of having become the victims of crime, hatred or bullying. To reward those who are judged to have shown exemplary conduct, making a positive contribution to the welfare of others, or society in general..."
(Registered Charity Number: 1141125)

Full details can be found on the official 'For James' website www.forjames.org 

Lots of events have taken place in order to raise money for the charity including 'Swim for James' by Lesley Lloyd and more recently, 'Laughter Factory' with Pauline Daniels and Gary Skyner.

I hope by raising awareness of the charity, the memory of James and the good work done by so many people will carry on.

Good luck to all those involved.

James Bulger Memorial Trust can be followed on Twitter... @jbmt1

"Gone, but never forgotten."


  1. How lovely what your doing for James Derek, helping to raise the profile of the Charity. This is a Charity so close to so many people's hearts. Bless you James helping childen. Gone but Never Forgotten!! Lesley xxx

    1. Thanks Lesley. Apart from Hillsborough, what happened to James remains the single most shocking event I can remember vividly.
      Whilst those 2 monsters are still walking around, I think it is important not to forget what happened to James. Those who don't know what happened, for whatever reason, should look into it so, hopefully, it doesn't happen again to anybody else.
      If by promoting the charity it raises awareness and keeps his memory alive, I will continue to do so for as long as I can.

      Good Luck JBMT.
