
Tuesday 5 July 2016

Teaching Double Standards

Inset days.
Strike days.
Sports days.
Toy days for charity.
Trips to Blackpool, Alton Tower, etc.
End of November and the three weeks in December written off to rehearse the school play.

All the above are almost guaranteed throughout the school year and is hardly conducive to a child's education yet this is the excuse we are given when we want to take kids out of school for a family holiday. Yes, selfishly, parents would save hundreds of pounds (usually over £1k) but I'd argue a holiday abroad IS educational. If you're still reading, I'll explain why.

Finding the location on a map and seeing how far away from home it is. Looking at the local area and working out how to get to places such as the beach or marina.

Dealing with foreign currency and working out how much things cost in pounds.

Walking around the 'old town' and seeing old churches or castles.

Physical Education
Lots of walking and swimming.

Second Language
Hardly fluent in any language (some would argue that includes English) but we'd always say 'please', 'thank you' and 'good morning' in the native language.

Art and craft / DT
Building sand castles :-D

I'm sure there are other educational benefits but this will do to be going on with.

Before any teachers have a go, I'm not blaming them (they just happened to be in the firing line). It's the hypocrisy and double standards of the Education System I'm having a go at and it has to change.

Thanks to another walk out by teachers, I'm WORKING FROM HOME today which is far from ideal. I should be grateful only one out of my four are affected!

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